Dr. Larry Chamberlain of the Eagle Commission sends the following report:
I am very pleased to report that Chaplain Candidate Justin Hayes successfully completed his ordination exam on February 4 here in Winona Lake, Indiana. Justin has also just received an encouraging invitation in his pursuit of a Navy Chaplaincy: “I wanted to inform you that I just received today an invitation to go before the Navy CARE board for an interview. If I understand correctly this is the last hurdle that must be crossed before I am accepted or turned down for a commission as a Navy chaplain. I would appreciate your prayers as I interview in D.C., meet other chaplain candidates, and engage with current Navy chaplains. I will be in D.C. on the 1st and 2nd of March. Thanks for your prayers and your support in this endeavor!” I have assured Justin of our prayers in his behalf as his file moves forward in the process and as he interviews in D.C.