Eagle Commission reports from around the globe.
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Update from Eagle Commission Endorser
As the Beijing Olympics draw to a close, there is speculation about China (mainland) and its intentions to threaten Taiwan. The Middle East has continued hostility toward the state of Israel and terrorist groups like...

Now is the Accepted Time
The Charis Fellowship has an incredible missions history and legacy. From the days of the Gribble’s who went to the Central African Republic and now Encompass World Partners, to local church planting and...
Gospel of Peace
Men from the Charis Fellowship have been serving the United Stated Armed Forces as chaplains since World War II. The Eagle Commission formed in 1986 as a way to support and encourage the men and their families who are...
Eagle Commission Board Meeting Update
The Eagle Commission is a national ministry of the Charis Fellowship. On November 11, the board of directors met. Below is a recap from their meeting, provided by Endorser Mark Penfold. The Eagle Commission’s board of...
Military Thanksgiving
One of my favorite memories from my 23 years on active duty was celebrating Thanksgiving with my soldiers. It happens like this: Normally, the dining facility (or mess hall) closes early on Wednesday after serving...
Chaplains Reflect on Tours in Afghanistan
Earlier this month, our nation and the world remembered the horrific events of 20 years ago on September 11, 2001. The terrorist attacks at the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the failed hijacking of United Airlines...
Services for John Schumacher Announced
Services for Chaplain (Colonel) John W. Schumacher (U.S. Army, retired), who died on February 5, 2021, will be on Monday, March 22, 2021. Committal Service with military honors will be at 9:30 a.m. (MDT) at National...
Updates on Charis Fellowship Chaplains
Mark Penfold (Chaplain [Colonel] U.S. Army, retired), Charis Fellowship endorsing agent and director of the Eagle Commission, has sent a couple of updates, a portion of which appears below. Click here to read his...
Faith Through Grieving and Healing
“We’ve embraced the fact that we’ve had these experiences instead of compartmentalizing them and moving on with life. This is a part of who we are now and what God has taken us through,” says Ashley Murray. Ashley and...
Canadian Armed Forces Chaplain Added to Eagle Commission Ranks
Today's newsletter from the Eagle Commission bears exciting news. For the first time, the Charis Fellowship is represented in the Canadian Armed Forces. See the announcement below from Mark Penfold, DMin., Chaplain...
Military Chaplains Activities Reported in Newsletter
Mark Penfold, endorsing agent for the Charis Fellowship and director of the Eagle Commission, recently sent his monthly report. Here are some highlights. Click here to read the complete newsletter. Army Chaplain...
Murrays Return Home Following Son’s Surgery
Mark Penfold, endorsing agent for the Charis Fellowship, included this update in today's report. Drew Murray, the son of U.S. Army Chaplain Jim and Ashley Murray, had surgery last week at Le Bonheur Childrens Hospital...
The Call to Serve
Serving in the U.S. Army was more than a job for Chaplain (Col.) James Schaefer and his wife, Elizabeth. As he retired from active duty at the end of January after 28 years, the couple reflected on what to them had...
Chaplain Graham Selected for Promotion
Army Chaplain (Major) Billy Graham has been selected for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel, according to the promotion list recently released by the U.S. Army. Billy, with his wife, Robin, has served the Charis...
Charis Military Chaplains Deploy
Two Charis Fellowship military chaplains have recently deployed with their units, according to Mark Penfold, endorser, chaplaincy ministries, for the Fellowship. Below is his report. U.S. Army Chaplain Chuck Pridgen is...
Eagle Commission Newsletter Provides Updates on Chaplains
The next edition of the Eagle Commission newsletter, providing a snapshot of activities by Charis Fellowship military chaplains, has been mailed. Here are a few highlights: Army Chaplain Cameron Michael, based at Fort...
A Chaplain Remembers
Retired Grace Brethren Army chaplain (Col.) John Schumacher was honored last week during the national conference of the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches (FGBC) for his years of service as the chaplain endorsing...
Cohorts, Awards, and Military Chaplains Mark Day Two at Conference
The Association of Grace Brethren Ministers honored three of its own on Wednesday morning as their annual "Pastors and Wives" breakfast kicked off Day Two at Access2017, the national conference of the Fellowship of...
From Pastor to Chaplain: Ministry in the Military
Chaplain (1st Lieutenant) Cameron Michael, on of the newest Grace Brethren military chaplains, is writing as he transitions from serving as a Grace Brethren pastor to active duty chaplain. Cameron is a 2011 graduate of...
Stone and Jacobsen Recommended for Promotion
Two Grace Brethren military chaplains have selected for promotion and continued service, according to news received from Mark Penfold, chaplain endorsing agent for the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches. Chaplains...
Eagle Commission Update
Mark Penfold, recently retired Grace Brethren chaplain with the U.S. Army, began his duties on June 1 as the chaplain endorsing agent for the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches. (Watch for a story on GraceConnect...