Military Chaplains Activities Reported in Newsletter

Sep 16, 2019 | Eagle Commission, National Organizations, News

Mark Penfold, endorsing agent for the Charis Fellowship and director of the Eagle Commission, recently sent his monthly report. Here are some highlights. Click here to read the complete newsletter.

Army Chaplain Cameron Michael sent a recent update on ministry opportunities in his unit in Kuwait. They all had a short notice deployment in early summer. Cameron has been instrumental in helping soldiers cope positively through worship, counseling, Bible studies and other ministry initiatives. We rejoice with Cameron that several of his soldiers have followed the Lord’s command via public declarations of faith through water baptism. Keep Cameron in your prayers as he serves the Lord there in the Middle East.

Army Reserve Chaplain Jeremy Pfeister is also deployed in Kuwait with his unit. Here is an excerpt from his recent newsletter. “There are so many things a chaplain does in a day. Being able to be with a soldier as they make the decision to follow Christ is the pinnacle, but there are many other very rewarding pieces of the chaplain’s day.

One such piece is the counseling we offer. In the Army, chaplains are the primary resource for commanders and leaders who believe their soldiers need help. Soldiers with marital problems, loss of family members, depression struggles, money issue, suicidal ideations, and the list can go on and on, are sent to the chaplain as a first line of help.” Between Jeremy and his assistant, SPC Chandler, they have conducted over 170 counseling sessions since leaving Fort Dix, N.J. in June.

Chaplain Billy Graham recently reconnected with the family of SGT Nutt. Our Eagle Commission Memorial Day video included the story of Chaplain Billy Graham’s ministry experience in 2003 in Iraq during the days when SGT David Nutt was killed in combat. This past August, Billy and Robin Graham had the unique privilege to visit Heidi Nutt and her daughters in Lee, MA.  Via Facebook, Robin was able to locate this family, 16 years after SGT David Nutt’s sacrificial death in Iraq, and to finally meet for the first time. During the visit, the “Tribute to Fallen Solders Memorial Torch Motor-Cycle Ride,” stopped on their pilgrimage from CA to Arlington National Cemetery to pay tribute to the loss this family suffered and of the sacrifice their Soldier gave in the defense of our country. This was a very emotional visit and event for Billy and the family as they mourned together for the loss of such a remarkable person. Please pray for this family and the thousands like them, as they continue to carry the scars born in the crucible of conflict for freedom.

Endorsing Agent Mark Penfold, and his wife, Robin, were present when Chaplain Candidate Tim Clay (pictured with his wife, Aysha) graduated from the 12-week chaplain’s course.

Chaplain Candidate Tim Clay graduated from the 12-week course on Thursday, August 29. What a privilege to be there to congratulate Tim and his wife Aysha for this milestone! Tim was on the Commandant’s List, reserved for the top 10% of students. Tim is currently a Chaplain Candidate in the Army Reserve and has returned to Grace Seminary for his second year of studies. Pray for Tim and Aysha as they continue their preparation for ministry.

I regret to announce that Air Force Reserve Chaplain J.P. Prado, due to a change in his family status, has decided to move his membership and his ordination from Seal Beach, CA to a local church in the Phoenix, AZ area. Unfortunately, J.P.’s new church is not part of our Charis Fellowship, and therefore, we can no longer retain his endorsement by the Fellowship. J.P. has an outstanding record of ministry with the units he served. While we regret losing him as one of our chaplains, we are glad that he will be continuing to serve as an Air Force Reserve chaplain and also will be using his gifts to minister in a local church.

Click here to read the complete newsletter.


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